LearnHaitianCreoleOnline: Learn Free Haitian Creole Online, Learn Kreyòl Online via Skype...
Learn Haitian Creole Online Free with us via Skype or (G+) now! Yes, you too can learn Haitian Creole in the comfort of your home or right in front of your computer or laptop. Learn Haitian Creole Online with Joseph J. Charles, edupreneur, and contributor to http://haitiancreolemp3.libsyn.com and http://worldwidehaitiancreoleclasses.blogspot.com. Kreyòl class is possible here with LearnHaitianCreoleOnline dotcom! Purchase specific ebooks and links to audio. **FrenchLessonPod**
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WorldwideHaitianCreoleClasses: Haitian Creole Lessons Online + French, Spanish Classes via Skype
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Saturday, August 8, 2020
Learn Haitian Creole on Zoom - Zoom helps you learn Haitian Creole without Tears
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Krik? Krak! Short Story Reading in Creole and English
You can choose to read along with us by purchasing a copy of "Krik? Krak! Haitian Storytelling Session" here on Barnes and Noble or BN.com. You can also buy your copy of "Krik? Krak!...Short Story Reading in Creole and English - Lekti Ti istwa an Kreyòl ak Anglè" from Amazon.com.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
In the Eyes of the Hurricane and Epicenter of the Earthquake
Book Review:
"In the Eyes of the Hurricane and Epicenter of the Earthquake" is a new series of books and ebooks about the effects and impacts of climate change specially to coastal cities and communities all over the world. It tells the stories of the survivors such as business owners, single mothers, persons of color, immigrants, families and children who suffer the most. The book tells the stories of survivors who lose loved ones, their business, job, church, and schools. Some of them have to move away from the only home and community they have ever known. Rebuilding will take years and lots of money. When they did not have the right disaster insurance, they may never live in what used to be their paradise. The few survivors who can rebuild will have to build according to the new codes, raise their new homes and business to prevent a future devastation.
Buy a copy of 'In the Eyes of the Hurricane and Epicenter of the Quake' from Amazon.com
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Los nombres de algunos animales - Names of some animals - Men Kèk non bèt
Where to Find the textbook accompanying this episode:
<p> You can find this textbook right on this site: http://www.lulu.com/shop/ovando-garcia-joseph-jony-charles/learn-creole-very-slowly-aprendan-creole-despacito/paperback/product-23593220.html
<p>You can also find it on Amazon.com
<p> Men Kèk non bèt - Here are the names of some animals - Aqui estan los nombres de algunos animales:
Lapen – rabbit – Conejo (*Bunny – conejito)
Makak – Monkey – Mono
Chen – Dog – Perro (masc.) Perra (fem.)
Foumi – ant – hormiga
Koulèv – Snake – Serpiente, Culebra
Zandolit – lizard – Lagarto, lagartija (small, pequeno)
Lyon – Lion – León
Tig – Tiger – Tigre
Chamo – Camel – Camello
Mouton – Sheep – Oveja
Kodenn/Kodin – Turkey – Pavo
Dragon – Dragon – Dragón
Kòk – Rooster – Gallo, macho
Bèf – Cow – Vaca
Kana/kanna – Duck – Pato
Tòti – Turtle – Tortuga
Elefan – Elephant – Elefante
Chat – Cat – Gato
Pijon – Pigeon – Paloma
Chwal – Horse – Caballo
Kribich – shrimp – Camarón / gamba
Krab – Crab – Cangrejo
<p>Fwi – Fruit -Fruta
Pòm – Apple – Manzana
Pòm vèt – Green apple – Manzada verde
Pòm rouj/wouj – Red apple – Manzana Roja
Oranj/zoranj – Orange – Naranja
Fig – Banana – Plátano / banana
Zaboka – Avocado –Aguacate
Melon – Watermelon – Sandía
Rezen – Grape – Uva
Frèz – Strawberry – Fresa
Anana /zannana – Pineapple – Piña
<p> Kalite Travay Moun Fè – Types of Work people do – Tipos de trabajo que la gente hace
Pastè – Pastor – Pastor (Pastè a preche chak dimanch – The pastor preaches every Sunday – El pastor predica cada domingo)
Prèt – Priest – Sacerdote
Mè legliz katolik – Nun of the catholic church - Monja de la iglesia católica
Politisyen – Politician – Político
Biznisman – Businessman / Businessperson – Empresario / Persona de negocios
Enfimyè – Nurse – Enfermera
Doktè – Doctor – Doctor
Mekanisyen – Mechanic – Mecánico (El mecánico no puede arreglar el carro).
Kwizinye – Cook – Cocinero (El cocinero prepara la comida).
Kiltivatè (peyizan, kiltivatè yo plante grenn yo) – Farmer (farmers plant seeds) – Agricultores (los agricultores siembran las semillas)
Chofè machin /bus/Kamyon – Truck/Bus/Car Drivers – Camioneros / conductores de autobus/conductores de automóviles
Chofè moto – Motorcycles drivers - Conductores de Moto
Sunday, January 14, 2018
VoiciVoilaBonjour French Lesson and Pronunciation
Getting to know people: People and things, the members of the family etc.
Go to :http://voicivoilabonjourfrench.blogspot.com
Sunday, December 31, 2017
La última lección del año 2017 – Vocabulario, Verbos, e Expresiones Idiomáticas
La última lección del año 2017 – Vocabulario, Verbos, e Expresiones Idiomáticas
This episode contains the excerpts from 'Learn Creole Very Slowly – Aprendan Creole Despacito – Aprann Kreyòl Toudousman: Please Speak Slowly – Por Favor Hable Despacio', 'Que Tal? Sa-k Pase? N'ap Boule! Bien! etc.
Find these titles right here:
Que Tal? Sa'k Pase? N'ap Boule! Bien!
Learn Creole Very Slowly - Aprandann Creole Despacito... Aprann Kreyol Toudousman..
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Curso de Creole para todos los Americanos, Chilenos, Dominicanos, Dominico-Haitianos o dominicanos de ascendencia haitiana o de origen haitiano....
To benefit from this free series of episodes of this podcast, you will need this textbook published by KDPAmazon:
Para beneficiar de estos episodios gratis de este podcast, van a necesitar este ebook publicado por KDPAmazon.
Curso de Creole para todos los Americanos, Chilenos, Dominicanos, Dominico-Haitianos o dominicanos de ascendencia haitiana o de origen haitiano....
Learn Creole Very Slowly – Aprendan Creole Despacito – Aprann Kreyòl Toudousman
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Start with Page 26 in 'Aprann Kreyòl nan yon Semèn - Learn Haitian Creole in One Week'
Purchase a copy of 'Aprann Kreyòl nan yon Semèn - Learn Haitian Creole in One Week' to follow this podcast episode.
Learn Haitian Creole in one Week - Aprann Kreyòl nan yon Semèn - Page 46 etc
Learn Creole, in one week, Aprann Kreyol, Creole lessons, Creole podcast, episode
Starting on page 46, listen to this podcast episode and follow in this textbook found on Amazon.
Nan Mache anfè – At the Iron Market (in Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Kisa l’ap fè la-a? L-ap vann? – What is he doing here? Is he selling?
L-ap negosye ak machann yo. Pa gen pri fiks – He is negotiating with the merchants. There is no fixed price
Eske ou ka di-m kisa yo fè ak pay sa yo? - Can you tell me what they do with these straws?
Touris yo ap achte kado pou zanmi ak fanmi yo – The tourists are buying souvenirs for their friends and family members.
Eske ou vann sapat tou? - Do you sell sandals (flip flops) too ?
M gen sandals an kwi ak sandals an kawotchou. Kisa ou vle achte? – I have leather and rubber sandals.
Kilès ki pi bon mache? - Which one of the two is cheaper?
Friday, August 25, 2017
Aprann Kreyol nan yon Semenn - Learn Creole in One Week
Aprann Kreyol nan yon semenn, learn haitiancreoleonline, lean Haitian Creole
If you want to follow with us, you can find the textbook on Amazon.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Homage to Madan Sara, Strong Haitian Merchants, Potomitan Ayiti, Pillars of Haiti
All Parents Want Their Kids to Do Well in Life. They want them to succeed. Just like the migratory birds of Haiti that travel far and beyond to find foods to bring back to their nest, female Haitian merchants commonly known as Madan Sara are the main distributors of crops and the true link between farmers in the provinces and consumers in the major cities and capital, Port-au-Prince. If Madan Sara do not up to the mountains to establish their network with the food producers, farmers, and transporters, then the city dwellers will not find anything to eat. Yet, the educated consumers of the cities do not respect them and tend to look down on them.
'All Parents Want Their Kids to Do Well in Life...' is an ebook that pays homage to these proud and strong women of the Haitian informal economy.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Bestselling ebook, "All Parents Want Their Kids to Do Well in Life..."
You can purchase a copy of this ebook on amazon.com
Book Review: "All Parents Want their Kids to Do well in Life - Tout paran vle pitit yo vin doktè, enjenyè, biznismenn, Avoka, achitèk...." is an ebook about life choices. Happy are the kids whose parents guide and let them make major and career choices on their own. Almost all over the world, some parents want to control the life choices of their kids. This situation is worse in the underdeveloped and developed countries where patriarchal societies dominate all aspects of life.....
Purchase a copy of 'Let's Speak Haitian Creole in no Time and Without Tears....' on Amazon.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Bestselling eBook, 'Hail to the King of Sneakers: Michael Jordan's Nike Air Jordan Retro
You can buy a copy of this ebook now on Amazon.
"Hail to the King of Sneakers: Michael Jordan's Nike Air Jordan Retro Time ( A Social Media-loaded Marketing Campaign Success Story)" is an ebook about the history of Michael Jordan, a superhero, superstar basketball player who ended up becoming a great businessman after his retirement. It's also the story of sneaker collectors who did not mind staying in line to be able to buy a few pairs of his shoes. Over the years, superstar Michael Jordan has become a sacred hero. He was thought to have superhuman powers. In this ebook, you will read about the shopping incidents, Michael's business advice, and hard-working skills. You will also read about the shoe empire he ends up building and the standout players who are part of his brand.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Haiti’s Hidden Treasures - Trezò Kache PeyidAyiti – Les Trésors Cachés d’Haïti
Listen to the Creole and translated texts on this podcast episode:
Purchase a PDF copy of ‘Haiti’s Hidden Treasures….’
During the 4th of July Celebration, Only Dogs are Left Unhappy / Nan Banbòch 4 jiyè a Se Sèlman Chen ki pa Kontan
Si chen rakonte w sa yo wè, ou p'ap janm mache nannwit
If dogs tell you what they see, you will never walk at night (Haitian Proverb)
Here are a few paragraphs of the text: 'Haiti's Hidden Treasures.....'
You can purchase the whole ebook on Amazon.com or Draft2digital.com
Chak ane, ameriken selebre 4 jiyè. Se fèt endependans peyi etazini te pran nan men Angletè. (Every year, Americans celebrate 4th of July. It is the independence of the United States from England.
Ameriken selebre ak fèt hòtdòg, jwèt, epi konkou. Y’al sou plaj. Y’al jwe nan lak. Yo vwayaje al wè fanmi yo nan lòt vil. Moun ap kouri monte, kouri desann toupatou. Yo achte anpil fe atifis pou yo fete jou sa a. Gen Ameriken ki chita pale, manje, bay blag epi ri ak zanmi yo. Manje, jwèt, alkowòl, byè reyini moun. Men pafwa yo se kòz tèt chaje ak anpil pèn. Nenpòt zam, - kòmanse ak kouto rive sou zam fe tankou fizi, revòlvè, wouzi, AR15 - pa dwe kole ak tafya, estipefyan oswa dwòg nakotic. Gen lòt ki dwe mache nan mitan gwo flam chalè. Solèy la pa padonnen okenn moun. Y’ap travay paske fòk yo travay si yo se doktè, chofè taksi tankou chofè Uber ak Lyft. Lè Ameriken fin banboche, yo tonbe sou. Yo pran woule atè a epi yo fè dega nan vwazinaj la. Vwazen rele lapolis ki vin mete lòd nan dezòd. Yo menm arete kèk brigan ak dilè ki t’ap vann dròg opyòd tankou Krak, Kokayin, Fentanyl, ewoyin, metadòn, oksikodonn, elatriye. Yo rele yon chofè Uber oswa Lyft pou yo ka ale nan yon lòt fèt. Yo kontinye bwè plis tafya, kleren, Wiski ak tout lòt bwason yo jwenn. Yo sou anba dwòg. Anvan jounen an fini, chofè anbulans pa ka selebre paske yo dwe al chache banbochè sa yo ki tonbe anba dòz eksesif (overdose). Yo menmen yo nan lopital pou doktè ak enfimyè ka sove lavi yo. Paran banbochè sa yo pa konnen ki kote pitit yo ye. Pitit yo pa’t rete an kontak avèk yo. Dwòg fò sa yo yo rele Opyòd chanje sèvo. Nou pa bezwen di nou ke timoun ki kòmanse pran dwòg sa yo depi yo te tou piti pral soufri konsekans yo pandan anpil tan. Yo fè jenn gason ak jenn fanm tounen zonbi k’ap kouri toupatou pou achte dwòg. Yo vle santi yo alèz pou toutan. Yo pa ka viv san yo. Yo ka menm rive komèt nenpòt krim pou yo ka achte sa yo bezwen pou yon tikadè. Adiksyon se yon fòm konpilsyon pou achte kounye a menm. Si yo reyisi kenbe yon djòb, yo travay sèlman pou ache plis opyòd. Se tankou yon epidemi k’ap detwi fanmi Amerikèn an kachèt. Pafwa tout manm yon fanmi ap soufri nan epidemi sa a yon fòm tankou yon lòt.
4 jiyè dènye manm fanmi an pa ka rete lakay la. Gen twòp bwi nan vwazinaj la. Chen pran jape epi kouri toupatou nan lakou a jiskaske yo sote antouraj la. Si mèt yo pa la, yo pa gen chans rete nan lakou a. Yo kontre ak lòt chen nan vwazinaj la ke fe atifis t’ap toumante pandan tout jounen an. Yo fòme yon gwo bann chen k’ap kouri monte desann. Granmoun kon timoun ki wè yo tonbe pè. Yo kouri al kache anndan lakay yo oswa nenpòt kote yo ka jwenn yon ti kote pou yo kache. Gwo chen ak ti chen ap jape. Yo fè tankou yo ankolè ak anraje. Moun gen rezon pè oswa pran kouri nan lòt direksyon. Se yo menm ak pitit yo ki rann lavi chen sa yo mizerab. Bann chen sa yo se tankou refijye k’ap chache refij nenpòt ki kote ki pa gen bwi, zam k’ap tire oswa eklate anlè. Gen chen k’ap chache gadyen yo. Gen lòt chen k’ap chache pitit gadyen yo ki kite kay la depi kèk tan. Dwòg nakotik (estipefyan) te pran tèt jenn gason ak jenn fanm sa yo. Yo se moun pèdi nèt.
Translated Text:
You can purchase the whole ebook on Amazon.com or Draft2digital.com Americans celebrate with hotdogs, games, and races. They go to beaches. They go to lakes. They travel to see family members in other cities. They are running up and down every where. They buy a lot fireworks to celebrate this day. There are Americans who sit around to chat, eat, tell jokes and laugh with their friends. Meals, games, alcohol, beer gather people together. However, they are sometimes the causes of headaches and much pain. Whatever weapons – from knives to firearms such as guns, revolver, machine guns, AR15 etc – should not go along with alcohol and narcotic drugs. There are Americans who must walk around in the middle of the hot humid or dry heat. The sun is unforgiving to everybody. They are working because they have to work if they are doctors, taxi drivers such as Uber and Lyft drivers.
When some Americans finish celebrating, they get drunk, inebriated, intoxicated. They start rolling on the ground and causing damage in the neighborhood. Neighbors call the police who come to restore order amidst the chaos. The police officers even arrest some drunk troublemakers and drug dealers for selling opioids such as Duragesic or Fentanyl, crack, cocaine, heroin, methadone, Roxicodone or oxycodone etc. Some of the revelers call Uber or Lyft so they can go to another party. They continue to drink more alcohol, wiskey, and any other alcoholic beverages they can find. They are high on all kinds of drugs.
Before the end of the day, ambulance drivers cannot celebrate because they must be dispatched to pick up the overdosed revelers. They take them to the hospital so doctors and nurses can save their lives. The parents of those revelers do not know where their sons and daughters are. The children do not stay in touch with their parents. These strong narcotic drugs known as opioids change their growing brain.
Needless to say that kids who are exposed to them at a young age will suffer long-term consequences. They turn young men and women into zombies running everywhere and looking for the next high. They cannot live with them. They have to stay on a constant high. They may even turn to crimes to get the drug they are after for a short time. Addiction is a form of compulsive shopping. The drug addicts want their joint now. If they manage to hold a job, they work only to be able to purchase more opioids. It’s a hidden epidemic that is destroying the American family. Oftentimes, all the members of a family are suffering from this hidden epidemic one form or another.
4th of July, the last member of the family cannot stay in the house. There is too much noise in the neighborhood. The dogs start barking and running all around the yard until they jump over the fence. If their owners are not present, they do not have any chance of staying in the yard. They encountered other neighborhood dogs tormented by the fireworks all day long. They form a huge pack of dogs running up and down. As soon as adults and children see them, they get so scared. They run back to hide in their home or anywhere they can find shelter. Dogs of all breed, big as well as small dogs, are barking. They pretend to be mad and enraged. People have reason to be afraid or run away in a different direction. Their children and they are the ones who make these dogs’ lives miserable on 4th of July. This pack of dogs is like this mass of refugees who are seeking refuge in any place free of noise, exploding weapons and gunshots. There are dogs that are looking for their best friends, their loyal mates. There are dogs that are looking for their guardians’ sons and daughters who left home many years, months, or weeks ago. Opioids, marijuana, narcotic drugs and alcohol took over these young men and women’s mind, brain, and life. They’re already gone. Gone far away.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Learn Haitian Creole in No Time - Aprann Kreyol Plop Plop!
Listen to Haitian Creole Alfabet and Reading - Koute Alfabè ak Lekti Kreyòl
Buy a copy of Aprann Kreyòl ak Alfabè Kreyòl nan yon semèn - Learn Creole and Creole alphabet in one Week
If you want, you can purchase a copy of this book right on Amazon.com
Aprann Kreyòl nan yon Semèn - Learn Haitian Creole in One Week on HaitianCreoleMP3.Libsyn.com
Purchase a copy of Learn Haitian Creole in One Week.
Wi tout moun ka aprann Kreyòl nan yon semèn - Yes everybody can learn Haitian Creole in one week.
Ki jan / Kòman / Kouman nou ka aprann lang sa a si vit? - How can we learn this language so fast?
Si nou renmen etidye, nou ka aprann ni byen vit – If you like to study, you can learn it very fast.
Di’m kisa pou’m fè pou’m kòmanse aprann Kreyòl – Tell me what to do to start learning Creole
Alfabè Kreyòl
a an b ch d e è en f g h i j k l m n ng o ò on ou oun p r s t ui v w y z
Ravèt ak Pinèz
Nou jwenn ravèt toupatou. Ravèt se sèl ensèk ki vwayaje ak moun rich tankou ak moun pòv. Yo peple anpil. Gen plis de 30 espès ravèt ki rete nan kay moun. Ravèt se gwo pès ki annouye moun nan sektè prive kon piblik.
Poul renmen chase, kouri dèyè ravèt. Se yon bon fòm ekzèsis pou yo.
Ravèt viv nan palè jistis, mezon blanch Etazini, nasyonzini epi nan tout gwo kay nan lemonn. Ravèt pa pinèz. Men toulède se ensèk ki mechan anpil. Pinèz ak ravèt pa viv ansanm men yo viv nan menm kay, menm bildin.
Depi se yon kote moun rete, nou ka jwenn ravèt ak pinèz. Pinèz ap fè gwo dega sou kò moun toupatou. Se dechire y’ap dechire moun ki pa ka dòmi sou kabann yo. Granmoun kou timoun pa ka pase yon bòn nwit sou kabann yo. Pinèz se lakòz anpil moun ki soufri ak depresyon. Pinèz menm koze anpil divòs toupatou nan lemonn. Si madanm ak mouche pa ka dòmi ansanm, yo gen plis chans pou yo bat zèl yo.
Translated Version
Cockroaches and Bed Bugs
We find cockroaches everywhere. Cockroaches are the insects that can travel with rich as well as poor people. They are very fecund / fertile. There are more than 30 species of roaches that can be found in human habitat all over the world. Cockroaches are pests that bother people in the private as well as public sectors.
Chicken enjoy hunting cockroaches. They are a good form of exercise for them.
Cockroaches live in Palaces of Justice, White House, United Nations, and all mega mansions in the world. Cockroaches are not bed or seat bugs. However, both of them are mean insects. Cockroaches and bugs do not live together but they live in the same house, same building. As long as it is a place where people live, we can find roaches and bugs. Bugs are creating havoc on human bodies everywhere. They are attacking people who cannot sleep on their beds. Children and adults cannot spend a good night of sleep on their beds. Bugs are the cause of depression in many people. They even cause lots of divorce all over the world. If a couple cannot sleep together, there is a better chance that they will walk away (take their separate way).
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je - Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears
Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je - Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears
Purchase a copy of 'Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears - Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je'
All delivery will be via email.
Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je - Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears
Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je - Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears
Purchase a copy of 'Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears - Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je'
All delivery will be via email.
Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je - Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears
Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je - Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears
Purchase a copy of 'Let's Speak Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears - Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je'
All delivery will be via email.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Let's Eat Haitian Meals, Haitian Foods at Easter - Ann Manje Manje Ayisyen, Repa Ayisyen pandan Pak
Buy this book right here: Buy Jean Baptiste Laferrière's Haitian Creole Kitchen books right here
You can buy this book right here: Learn the vocabulary, learn more about Haitian foods and kitchen: Haitian Creole - English Textbook, Vocabulary, and Mini Dictionary - TiDiksyonè, Vokabilè, ak Liv Kreyòl
Visit La Cuisine Fascinante de Madame De, Madame De's Superb Kitchen
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Access CreoleAudioMP3 to Listen to Creole in your car, on your IPad, Tablet and on your Phone
Listen to Sa'k Pase? N'ap Boule Textbook MP3/Audio - Ann Pale Kreyol...Let's Speak Creole.
Pay first to gain access to the MP3 / Audio!
Content of the MP3 / Audio File
Listen to 'Sa'k Pase? N'ap Boule Textbook' MP3/Audio in your car, your iPad, tablet, phone, and laptop
Useful Creole Expressions and Cultural Notes
Grammar and Vocabulary
Pronunciation Key
Question Words, Conversation and Greetings
Conjugate verbs, Forms of Definite and Indefinite Articles
Useful Expressions for Healthcare Professionals, at the Doctor's Clinic, Medical Terms and Practice
Human Body: Illnesses, Medications, and Health issues
Friday, December 26, 2014
Narrated Episode 2 of 'Haitian Creole English Textbook....Mini Dictionary'
Haitian Creole / English Textbook, Vocabulary, and Mini Dictionary can be found on Amazon.com
Purchase a copy of 'Haitian Creole / English Textbook, Vocabulary, and Mini Dictionary' from Amazon.com / Kindle Digital Publishing now.
Monday, December 22, 2014
"Finger-licking Haitian Recipes and Dishes" ebook Presents Soup Joumou (squash soup), Bannann Peze(fried plantains), Taso, Griyo, Ze bwouye (scrambled eggs), Ze Bouyi (boiled eggs), Mayi Moulen (Cornmeal), Labapen (chestnuts)
"Finger-licking Haitian Recipes and Dishes is a new book on Haitian dishes and recipes. It brings you information on why Haitians eat squash soup on January 1 every year. If you want to enjoy Haitian fruits and vegetables, learn which ones you want to try first. This ebook gives you simple info and a great introduction to the most popular dishes such as griyo or fried pork shoulders, pate Ayisyen or Haitian patties, legim or vegetables, diri kole ak pwa or rice and beans etc. It will make you knowledgeable about the different spices that Haitians use in their kitchens.
The ebook presents Soup Joumou (squash soup), Bannann Peze(fried plantains), Taso, Griyo, Ze bwouye (scrambled eggs), Ze Bouyi (boiled eggs), Mayi Moulen (Cornmeal), Labapen (chestnuts) etc
Purchase a copy of this ebook from AmazonKindle:
Purchase a copy of this ebook from AmazonKindle now
"Finger-licking Haitian Recipes and Dishes is a new book on Haitian dishes and recipes. It brings you information on why Haitians eat squash soup on January 1 every year. If you want to enjoy Haitian fruits and vegetables, learn which ones you want to try first. This ebook gives you simple info and a great introduction to the most popular dishes such as griyo or fried pork shoulders, pate Ayisyen or Haitian patties, legim or vegetables, diri kole ak pwa or rice and beans etc. It will make you knowledgeable about the different spices that Haitians use in their kitchens.
Purchase a copy of this ebook from AmazonKindle:
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Walking and Playing in the Rain
If you want to purchase a copy of the story to listen to its audio, go to Amazon.com!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Listen to the Episode 1 of "Haitian Creole / English Textbook, Vocabulary, Mini Dictionary" - Buy a Link to Dropbox Copy!
Haitian Creole / English Textbook, Vocabulary, and Mini Dictionary can be found on Amazon.com
Purchase a copy of 'Haitian Creole / English Textbook, Vocabulary, and Mini Dictionary' from Amazon.com / Kindle Digital Publishing now.
Purchase a PDF link to "Haitian Creole - English Textbook, Vocabulary, and Mini Dictionary – TiDiksyonè, Vokabilè, ak Liv Kreyòl - Anglè",
Monday, November 3, 2014
Mache ak Jwe Anba Lapli - Walking and Playing in The Rain

Buy a copy of this ebook "Mache ak Jwe Anba Lapli - Walking and Playing in The Rain" on Amazon.com
'Mache ak Jwe Anba Lapli - Walking and Playing in The Rain' Book Review:
"Mache ak Jwe anba lapli – Walking and Playing in the rain" is the story of two beautiful Haitian girls who got caught by bad weather while walking home from school. Linda and Lidya were close cousins. They were strong young girls. #Fanm djanm! They were members of an extended Haitian family in Jeremie, a city in the Southwestern part of Haiti. Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, son of a French nobleman and mixed-race slave and eventually a general of the French Revolutionary Wars, was also born there. Read their story in Haitian Creole and English and find out what they did when they got home despite their maid's instruction. In this story, you will find out the meals Haitian students eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Find out whether you know the names of the games most Haitian kids play. Underline boys and girls' favorite games. Linda and Lidya enjoy playing the following games: Linda and Lidya enjoy playing 'Kay'! Yo renmen jwe kay
jwe domino (play domino)
jwe marèl (hopscotch)
jwe damye (checkers)
monte kap (fly kites)
jwe bezig (yon jwèt kat ki gen rèn)
jwe oslè (knucklebones, jacks)
jwe mab (marbles)
fè lago (hide and seek, play tag)
jwe kat (play cards)
jwe boul (play balls, mostly soccer)
sote kòd (jump ropes)
jwe kay (count-and-capture)
jwe kat (play cards)
fè wonn ( role playing, dancing and singing in a circle, run and play in a circle)
jwe kachkach liben (Hide and Seek an Object)
jwe ak fistibal, tire fistibal (play with slingshots, shoot with slingshots)
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Learn Haitian Creole Online - Aprann Kreyòl sou Entènèt: English - Haitian Creole Vocabulary
Habit – Abitid, Manni
Habitat – Abita
Half-way house – Ladesant tanporè
Habitual offender – Moun ki gen plizyè dosye, moun ki gen anpil zak
Hack – Chire, rache, taye
Hairbrush – Bwòstèt
Hairdo – koutpeny
Hair loss – Pèdi cheve
Hail – Grèl, lagrèl
Haircut – Fè, tèt, koupe cheve
Hairy – ki gen plim
Hall / hallway – Koridò, koulwa
Hall of fame – Kote pou onore moun, kote ki selèb
Hallucination – Vizyon, Alisinasyon
Halt – Kanpe, rete la
Ham – Janbon
Hamburger – sandwich vyann moulen, anbègè
Hammer – mato
Hand (assistance) – kout men, èd
Hand – men, plamen, pat,
Hand (verb) – remèt, mete nan men
Handbag – Valiz, sakamen
Hand washing – Lave men
Handbook – Mànyèl enfòmasyon
Handful – Ponyen
Handicap – Andikap, domaj, enfimite
Handicapped (adjective) – Andikape, domaje, enfim
Handkerchief – Mouchwa pòch
Handle – Lans, manch,
Handle (verb) – Manyen, touche, Okipe, brase, souke, sekwe, manipile, regle
Handle with care – pran prekosyon, frajil
Handle with gloves – Mete gan (lè wap fè travay sa a)
Handlebars – gidon
Hand-made – Ki fèt alamen
Hands on experience – Experyans Pratik
Handsaw – Goyin, si-a-men
Hang – jouke, pandye, Kwoke, pann
Hang up (verb) - kwoke
Hanger – Sèso
Hang out (verb) – Flannen
Harass – Talonnen, siveye, anmède, rann san souf, lage nan degonn
Harassment – anmèdman, pèsekisyon, arasman
Harness – lekipay, sèl pou chwal. Exanp: Lekipay gen sant mal bourik la – The harness has the smell of the jackass
Harness (verb) – sele. Exanp: Sele bourik la – harness the donkey or place the harness on the donkey
Harp – ap (enstriman mizik)
Harsh (adj.) – Mabyal, Tchak, Tyak
Hassle – Anmèdman, nwizans, anmède
Haste (noun) – anprèsman
Haste (verb) – Prese
Hatch – Kale. Exanp: Aprè ou fin bouyi ze, ou kale yo
Hate (noun) – èn, rayisman
Hate (verb) – rayi
Hate crimes – Krim kont moun ki diferan fizikman tankou jwif, nwa, meksiken, chinwa, japonè etsetera
Haughtily (adv) – angranman
Haughty (adj) – Aristokrat, granpanpan
Hearing aid – aparèy pou ede moun tande pi byen
Hearing-impaired – moun ki pa tande byen, soud, ki gen pwoblèm tande
Hearsay – Pawòl nan bouch, pawòl ou tande, pawòl yo di, rime
Heart attack – Kriz kadyak, Kriz kè
Heart of palm – chou palmis Heart pounding, heart racing – batman kè byen fò
Heart beat – batmann kè
Heartburn – doulè lestomak, endijesyon, zegrè lestomak
Head on collision – Aksidan fasafas
Head start – Pwogram pou degoche timoun
Headache – Tèt fè mal, maltèt
Headlights – gwo limyè machin
Headquarter – Katye general, biwo santral
Headscarf – Mouchwa tèt, foula
Heat rash – Bouton chalè, chofi, tife
Heavy heart – kè grenn, chagren
Heal – talon
Heal to toe – Depi nan tèt jis nan zòtèy
Hefty man – barak, potorik gason
Helmet – Chapo an metal, chapo pou pwoteje tèt, kas
Herdsman, shepherd – gadò, mawoule, gadyen bèt
Here and there – Pasipala
Here below – Sou latè beni
Hernia – èni
Hibernate – pase ivè dòmi, ibène, pase ivè
Hibiscus – choublak
Hiccup – Okèt
Hinge – Gon. Ekzanp: the hinge of the front door – gon pòt devan an
Hip – anch, ranch, sentay, senti, ren
Hip (adj) / Up to date – Modèn, alamòd
Hip bone – Zon ranch
Hippies – ipi
Hire (verb) – anboche, anplwaye, bay djòb
Hit – Kou, frape, bay kou, bay kout baton – hit with a stick
Honey – siwo myèl
Honey comb – Gato myèl
Honeydew – Melon despay
Hood – Kapo motè, kapo machin
Hoof – pat zannimo, zago
Hoop – sèk woulawoup
Hook – zen, kwòk (verb, kochte. Hook the door – kochte pòt)
Hot – cho, pimante, pike
Hot pepper – piman bouk
Hot relish – pikliz
Household – tout moun ki viv nan yon kay
Housekeeper – Moun ki fè netwayaj kay
Housework – travay kay
Hummingbird – Wanganègès, zwazo mouch
Hunchback – bosi
I.D. card – Kat idantite
I.V. – sewòm nan venn
Identical twins – Marasa idantik
Illicit (adj) – anbachal
Impeach (verb) – Revoke, kase yon ofisyèl nan djòb li
Impede – anpeche, defann I
n the wink of an eye – taptap, san pèdi tan,
Around here – Bò isitla,
In vain – Pou granmèsi, anven
Incenerator – Fou pou boule fatra, ensineretè
Inclination – pant, tandans, enklinasyon, atraksyon
Incognito – an kachèt
Ink – lank
Inkwell – ankriye
Insolent – Ensolan
Lava – wòch ki soti nan vòlkan
Lard – Mantèg, grès kochon, la kochon
Large intestine – Gwo trip
Larva – ze, lav, lava
Latrine cleaner – Bayakou
Laundry - Lesiv. M pral fè lesiv - I am going to do laundry.
Laundress – Lesivyè, lavandyèz
Leader – gid, dirijan, lidè, bòs, alatèt, chef
Lay (verb) – kouche, blayi, tann, ponn
Leg – janm
Leggy (adj) – janb long
Leap – vole
Lice – pou
Lie – manti, bay manti, fè manti
Lie detection test – Egzamen pou detekte manti
Liar – mantè, dyòlè
Lick – Niche, lanbe. Pa niche plat la. Don't lick the plate. Ou niche plat la aprè ou fin manje. You lick the plate after eating.
Lethargic – Kò kraze, Kò lage, san kouray, manfouben, kè pòpòz
Liar – mantè, dyòlè
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Koukou, Koukouy, Papiyon - Yon ti Istwa Pou Timoun!
Monarch Butterflies' Migration to their Sanctuary
Yon koukou (frize) k'ap gade koukouy - An owl that is looking at fireflies!
Buy a copy of "The Traveling Butterflies and Fireflies - Papiyon ak Koukouy K'ap Vwayaje
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"The Traveling Butterflies and Fireflies - Papiyon ak Koukouy K'ap Vwayaje" presents the annual experience of Haitian children awaiting the passage of butterflies and fireflies on their way to milkweed beaches found in Taino in Grand Goave, Petit-Goave, and Gelee near Les Cayes. See how the children play with the butterflies during their momentary stop before crossing the tall mountains. Enjoy the multicolored butterflies and fireflies that add more magic to the travel of very amazing insects accompanied by crowing toads in the past lush and green landscape of Haiti. Learn how the Madan Sara, female Haitian merchants end up relying on the lightningbugs to travel to far-away mountains where they purchase their merchandise. Find additional stories on http://madansara.blogspot.com and http://learnhaitiancreoleonline.blogspot.com